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All information of Jeremy Hunt

All information of Jeremy Hunt, BBC News Ni,

All information of Jeremy Hunt

So Jeremy Hunt is getting down to business as the new chancellor on a fast-moving day in politics.

Here are a few facts about the UK’s BBC News ni new top finance minister.

  • Brought up in Surrey and privately-educated at Charterhouse School; later studied at the University of Oxford
  • Elected as MP in South West Surrey in 2005
  • Appointed by then-Prime Minister David Cameron as a culture secretary, an important role during the 2012 London Olympics
  • Later made health secretary, holding that post for a record stint of nearly six years, during which time he presided over a government standoff with junior doctors
  • Supported Remain during the 2016 EU referendum
  • Served as foreign secretary in the government of Theresa May
  • Finished second to Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative leadership election
  • Unsuccessfully stood for Tory leader again in this year’s contest, pledging to slash corporation tax – a hot-button issue during the premiership of Liz Truss
  • Becomes chancellor at a critical time for the UK economy, with inflation soaring and many struggling to pay energy bills and other living costs
  • Married to wife Lucia, with whom he has three children

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